Style Guide

Logo Variations

Standard Logo

White Logo

Color Icon

White Icon

Brand Colors


Primary Colors


RGB:  46r 82g 164b
CMYK:  91c 77m 0y 0k
HEX:  #2e51a3


RGB: 14r 48g 94b
CMYK: 100c 87m 36y 27k
HEX: #0e305e


RGB: 0r 178g 136b
CMYK: 83c 0m 63y 0k
HEX: 00b288

Secondary Color


RGB:  237r 170g 0b
CMYK:  7c 35m 100y 0k
HEX:  #edaa00

Background Colors


HEX: #2e51a3


HEX: #e5e5e5


Hex: #f2f4f7


Hex: #ffffff

Text Colors


Hex: #595a5c


HEX: #2e51a3


HEX: #0e305e


HEX: #000000


HEX: #eeeeee


HEX: #ffffff




  • Advancing global land and resource rights through innovative solutions.
  • Putting land rights on the map.
  • Your Rights, Your Future
  • Innovative technology for documenting land and resource rights.


Our Vision
To build a world where even the most marginalized individuals and communities can benefit from the opportunities afforded by secure land and resource rights.


Our Mission
Our mission is to be the leading provider of technical tools and services to support the documentation of land and resource rights to build stronger, more sustainable communities.


About Us
Founded in 2015, Cadasta develops and promotes the use of simple digital tools and technology to help partners efficiently document, analyze, store, and share critical land and resource rights information.

By creating an accessible digital record of land, property, and resource rights, we help empower individuals, communities, organizations, governments, and businesses with the information they need to make data-driven decisions and put vulnerable communities and their needs on the map.


How Cadasta Works
Cadasta is a technical service provider of land expertise and technology for individuals, communities, organizations, governments, and businesses looking to secure land rights to build stronger, more sustainable communities. Cadasta offers its partners affordable and open-access tools and technical assistance to support their efforts to document and secure land and resource rights.


Our Technology
Cadasta offers an open and flexible suite of mobile and web-based tools designed to help users collect, manage, and store land and resource rights data. Our platform and tools are built on the principles of open standards and access, and are supported by Esri ArcGIS technology—the world’s leading, cloud-based mapping and analytics platform.

Using Cadasta’s tools, partners can directly record and capture evidence of their property claims using multi-layered information about people’s relationship to land and resources. The platform is built to allow for on-and off-line collection in remote and disconnected areas and is able to process data collected through traditional paper-based surveys and maps. Our tools allow users to customize their privacy settings to decide who can view and change records.


Our Services
In addition to our technology and tools, we offer our expertise and training to ensure project success. Cadasta’s services are participatory, demand-driven, and tailored to local project needs. As land and data professionals, we support our partners in identifying and mitigating conflict, ensuring gender-sensitive approaches, and building local knowledge of land systems.

The issues faced by our partners require customizable solutions. Our goal is to strengthen community capacity for data collection and mapping through training materials and sessions adapted to local use and focused on training of trainers. We also align our data collection with national-level land data standards and systems wherever possible and collaborate with other relevant stakeholders, such as land administration officials, NGOs, and the private sector.